Note: This picture is from one of our own loved ones, who has passed through a series of difficult life and health challenges to find a level of deep healing that makes it impossible for him to resist flying around the world to try and Do Some Good.
It’s not atoms that the world is fundamentally made of…it’s stories, said the poet Muriel Rukeyser.
For many years, the voices of those actually experiencing the pain of depression, anxiety, and other challenges in their own lives has been overlooked, at least in their full scope and details. We believe these stories are precious and worthy of far more attention.
We are looking forward to continuing to gather and publish stories from members of our CSH Community. We are so grateful for those who have submitted their Personal Stories and we are looking forward to hearing from more of you as our community grows.
If you have any question and would like a more personal contact please feel free to contact May our CSH Executive Director and Coordinator of Social Media and Community Outreach. You can reach “Grandma May” directly by sending an email to or call 1 385 343 9696.
Congruently, and as a way to understand more of the nuance and full richness of these stories – while also appreciating more the depth of experiences in our community – Dr. Jacob, our Director of Research and Educational efforts has prepared a few questions in a simple survey here.
As part of that, you have the option to provide contact information if you’re open to further communication and potentially sharing your story in written, audio or video formats. Please be assured that we value your privacy and at no time would your story be used for outreach, education or research purposes without your permission.
Whether you’ve found great healing in your own life – or are still only starting your journey to finding that – we’d love to hear more of your experience.
We thank you in advance for considering this and so look forward to hearing from you!