We’re grateful for all you do to help those facing these painful conditions. We hope the following resources will be helpful to you in catalyzing and increasing the good you are doing for those you serve as well as helping to replenish your own personal reserves.
The crisis of mental health, suicide and addiction has placed an extra burden not just on families and individuals – but on professional counselors, social workers, nurses, physicians, and wellness practitioners. Alongside the many other things you do for people, we hope this website can be an easy place to refer clients and patients in order to more easily access healing tools, encouragement and support.
If there’s something more you’d suggest we add to our lists of online classes and books focused on sustainable healing, as well as our resources for specific challenges – we welcome your suggestions.
We’ll continue focused efforts on helping families learn ways to cultivate conditions of more healing sanctuary in their own homes – and would also welcome your feedback on any of this. In the near future we’ll be sharing more information we believe will be directly interesting for your own work, including a series of best practice reviews.
If you’d like to discuss any of this more directly or explore ways to get more involved, send us an email (sustainablyheal@gmail.com).
Thank you for all you are trying to do to alleviate suffering. May we all grow in ability and inspiration in the year ahead to do more for more people to find more healing!